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OC Secret Spot - Redwood Forest

Believe it or not, there are a few secret spots in Orange County where you can get away from it all for a few minutes and pretend that you're somewhere else. The hidden redwood forest burried in a Yorba Linda canyon is one of those places.

It's hidden way in the back of Carbon Canyon park. Head towards the big dam and you'll find it. These Coast Redwoods were planted 30 years ago. You have to walk quite a ways to get here, so you're usually all alone. It gives off that dark, creepy vibe even in the middle of a sunny day.


Hey Travis, I'm in Yorba dooba a lot, where is that?

By Blogger Jim, at 1:28 AM 

Right here, at the crosshairs.

By Anonymous Travis, at 9:22 AM 

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