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1 Million Pages Viewed in 2006

Most will agree that consists of silly pictures and lame anecdotes from my life. Honestly, there is no reason for you to be looking at this web site.

Nevertheless, I looked at my web statistics for 2006 and I realized that this site had over 1,000,000 page views from almost 120,000 visitors in the last year.

The Internet has put the entire knowledge of this earth at our fingertips, but I have led you astray with pictures of puppies, off-roading and Wahoo's fish tacos.

Sorry about that.


Hello Travis, I leave in France and I really love following your travel with Jessica. All your pictures are so cute. And I hope to see other new pictures since your next travel.
PS Sorry for my english

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 AM 

sorry, live not leave :-)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:51 AM 

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