Old Man Turns 60
My dad had his 60th birthday party in our backyard this weekend. We ate lots of good stuff and he jammed with his friends on stage. It was fun. View all of the photos.Labels: family, food, friends, fullerton, party
Wahoo's Customer of the Month

Sorry for the crappy picture of a picture.
Labels: food, friends, orange county
Good 'ol Shakey's
I convinced the guys at work to eat at Shakey's Pizza today for lunch. When we got there, I realized that good food in 1987 is not really that good anymore.
Labels: food, orange county
Random pic of the day
Can't think if anything interesting today, so here is a random pic from my hard drive:
It looks like a chili-cheese-jalepeno-onion hot dog from 7-11... a late night masterpiece created by yours truly. Dated May 31, 2006.
A trip to the ER-- Thanks, Del Taco

- Nausea
- Vomiting for up to 24 hours
- Severe abdominal cramps
- Severe Dehydration
Labels: food
Trip to the Orange County Fair
Jessica and I went to the OC Fair today. Along with deep fried onion rights, they sell 18" sausage dogs. I just had to try it.
Labels: food, orange county