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New Years 2009 at Big Bear

Phil and Sarah invited us up to Big Bear for the weekend. We did some sledding and mountain stuff. It was fun. Here are a bunch of pics.


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Dorking Around in the Wrightwood Snow

Jessica's mom is in town, so we spontaneously drove up to Wrightwood to check out the snow. Here are some embarrassing photos of us goofing off.


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TV Dog

Our strange dog loves to watch TV. I'm kind of concerned. This is a photo of him watching a dog show today. Is that normal? Also, why is our TV so old?


A Weekend in Paso Robles

It was Jessica's birthday last weekend, so I took her up to Paso Robles for a weekend of hanging out with a little wine tasting. Coda got to come with us because a lot of hotels let you have dogs (They say that dogs are cleaner than kids...) We stayed in San Luis Obispo, which is a very cool town. Anyway, here are some photos of us goofing off, chasing cows and a little bit of off-roading. Warning - lots of lame dog photos.

Go here to view the photos...

Paso-Robles-0232 Paso-Robles-0252 Paso-Robles-0129

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What a Dork!

Coda got his first haircut. Hahahaha fat head!


Goofballs in the Rain


Your comments are always appreciated.



This week I was inspired to take a second look through the tens of thousands of photographs that I have taken over the last few years. I picked out my favorites to create my own amateur photography portfolio.

Photography has been a hobby of mine since I took a class back in high school. Normally I am a very analytical person, so photography pushes me to work on my creative side. That is always a challenge for me.

My friends know that I love to combine photography with almost every other experience in my life, so it's always exciting and there's always something new to work on.

Enough of that, take a look...

Enter my photography gallery

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Cone Head

Coda got fixed last week. Now he feels like part of him is missing. The upside: he gets really good reception.


Another Trip to the Fullerton Dog Park

It's been a while since I've posted anything. We've been busy lately. Here are some pics of another trip to the Fullerton dog park. Go here for the pics.



Coda Graduates from Puppy Kindergarten

After 6 weeks of hard work, Coda finally graduated. If you've ever wondered what goes on at puppy kindergarten, here are some pics.



The Fullerton Dog Park

Coda finished all of his shots, so now he's old enough for a trip to the new Fullerton Dog Park. He made some friends and found some bullies. Here are some pics.


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More Coda Pics

Wow, we've been really busy lately. Here are a few puppy pics from the previous two weeks. Puppies are a lot of work!

See the Goldendoodle pics.



Coda Meets Roomba

Coda and Roomba met today. It sucked at first, but they are friends now.



Fullerton Market Night

We're working on socializing Coda while he's young, so we took him to Fullerton Market Night. It gets pretty busy, so it was a good place to get him used to being around a lot of noise. He met plenty of new people. Here are a few pics.


Coda the Goldendoodle Puppy Comes Home

We brought home our new Goldendoodle puppy yesterday. His name is "Coda", like the musical symbol. Coda is almost 8 weeks old. So far, our time with him have been great. He seems to be potty trained since he hasn't left any surprises inside for us yet. He still doesn't know his name, but he is well behaved for being a puppy. We can't wait to take him out once he has all of his shots.

Click here to see the Goldendoodle Puppy Pictures


More Goldendoodle puppy pictures

Another update on the pup... He's getting "swimming lessons from his uncle Ringo" (whaaa?). It sounds like he is a natural swimmer. He is 5 1/2 weeks old, and we get to bring him home in a few more weeks.

Update: Go here to view more Goldendoodle Puppy pics


New puppy on the way

After Moby passed away, we (Jessica) decided that we (Jessica) were going to get a "Goldendoodle" puppy. We've been waiting for four months now, and he will never be able to replace Moby, but here are some pictures of our future pup that the breeder sent to us.

A mini goldendoodle is a hybrid between a Golden Retriever and a Toy Poodle. Don't ask how that works. Our puppy currently resides at the breeders home in Bakersfield, CA. We will get to bring him home in June.

Update: Go here to view more Goldendoodle Puppy pics
